Embark on a musical journey with Hugh Masekela's iconic single, "Grazing In The Grass," brought to you on a classic 7" vinyl. This 1968 release from UNI Records showcases Masekela's distinctive saxophone sounds and soulful melodies, encapsulating the vibrant essence of 1960's R&B, funk, and soul-jazz. The record spins at 45 RPM, delivering the full-bodied sound that enthusiasts and collectors cherish. The black vinyl, catalog number 55066, is a testament to the era's rich musical landscape. Crafted in the United States, this piece of music history speaks volumes of Masekela's artistic prowess and the soulful rhythms that defined a generation. Whether you're a dedicated vinyl aficionado or a lover of classic R&B, this record promises to be a worthy addition to your collection.